Laptop dah gila. Nasib baik hdd tak gila. Adoi I don't know what went wrong. Just after I installed Cisco for the new workforce portal, laptop nih terus gila! Hilang semua! All the bookmarks and browser history hilang! Wargh now I need to start from scratch. Haha over :P
Tapi betul, macam hilang arah tatau nak browse ape. Haha so start with Facebook lah ape lagi. Dah lah I hardly update this blog. Dah jadi mcm nih lagi lah malas. Nasib baik lah hdd tak crash sekali. Kalau tak? Menangis lah jawab nye!
So Aidiladha is just around the corner. I'll be back home on Tuesday. Airasia lah ape lagi kan. I think we still haven't decided yet where to celebrate Aidiladha. Kuantan ok, KL lagi lah ok kan. Haha I really don't mind.
I'm putting on so much weight this 2 months. Grr so sad! But I guess I just lost the will to start my diet again. I just don't care anymore as long as I can still fit in my clothes and especially my jeans. Haha so you can call me fat or whatever, I just don't care!
Good night!